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The underlying principle of newcar animations is to continuously change an attribute of an object in each frame. In the quick start, you've already mastered the basic use of newcar animations. Now let's delve into more detail.

How do you define an animation? We have previously learned about the built-in animation create, and in addition to that, newcar has many other built-in animations. Here is a list of commonly used animations:

  • create
  • destroy
  • rotate
  • move
  • scale
  • zoomIn
  • zoomOut
  • fadeIn
  • fadeOut
  • ...

In the followings, I'll take you getting into the animation system and have a deeper understanding.

Animating Step by Step

When you called the Widget.animate function, it will push your animation into a "Waiting Array", and it will run these animations that you animated step bu step

The most simple animation is delay, it's like its name - to do nothing in some time unit. For example, if you want to wait 3s and run create animation, you can code like followings:

new Circle(100)
  .animate(create().withAttr({ duration: 1 }))

Sync Animating

If you want to run two or more animations in same timeline, you can use parallel() to make it. The function allow you input two and more animations, and run them together.

For instance, if you want to let a circle run create animation with discolorating, you can:

new Circle(100)
      create().withAttr({ duration: 1 }),
      discolorate().withAttr({ duration: 1, to: Color.parse('skyblue') })

In addition, if you want to insert step-by-step animation, you can use sequence to make it.

new Circle(100)
        create().withAttr({ duration: 0.5 }),
        fadeIn().withAttr({ duration: 0.5 })
      discolorate().withAttr({ duration: 1, to: Color.parse('skyblue') })

change property

Newcar offers a variety of animations that could be used, but it can't cover all the attributes, so changeProperty api is your best choice.


  changeProperty((w) => w.radius).withAttr({
    duration: 1,
    from: 100,
    to: 300

Easing Functions

In Newcar, some functions is spelled with "ease" at the begin, it can control your animation's speed action, we called them TimingFunction

you can use by parameter to receive a timing fuction:

    duration: 1,
    by: easeBounce

Easing curve graph address:

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